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Somervell, Brehon Burke, 1892-1955

United States Military Leaders at the Second Quebec Conference

United States military leaders are seated around a table at the second Quebec Conference in Canada, codenamed OCTAGON. From left to right: Lieutenant General Brehon B. Somervell, General Henry Arnold, General George Marshall, Admiral William Leahy, unidentified (mostly obscured by Admiral King), and Admiral Ernest King. Others in the background are unidentified. The conference was held 12-16 September 1944.

The Combined Chiefs of Staff Meet at the Potsdam Conference

The Combined Chiefs of Staff meet on the fourth day of the Potsdam Conference. Clockwise, left to right: Major General Lauris Norstad; General Henry H. Arnold; General George C. Marshall; Brigadier General Andrew J. McFarland (mostly obscured); Admiral William D. Leahy; Admiral Ernest J. King; Vice-Admiral Charles M. Cooke, Jr.; General Brehon B. Somervell; Rear Admiral Howard A. Flanigan; Captain Charles J.

Photo of General Charles DeGaulle presenting the French Grand Croix De La Legion to five Army and Navy officers

Five Army and Navy heads of the U. S. were presented with the French Grand Croix De La Legion, a honor by General Charles DeGaulle (center), Provisional President of France, in ceremonies at the French Embassy. Photo shows DeGaulle, left, making the presentation to Admiral William D. Leahy, left, as General George C. Marshall, Admiral Ernest J. King, General H. H. Arnold and General Brehon Somervell, look on. From: Beth Gore.