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Snyder, John W. (John Wesley), 1895-1985

Bess and Margaret Truman and Truman supporters gathered around his box at the Democratic Convention in Chicago

Bess and Margaret Truman and Truman supporters gathered around his box at the Democratic Convention in Chicago. Banker and political supporter John W. Snyder is at right. From: A series of seven photographs showing Truman supporters gathered around his box in Chicago's stadium as the balloting by states begins to go in his favor. This series is similar to the photos in 70-76 thru 70-86.

Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder and his staff, individual portraits

An oversized 13" X 20" photo of individual signed portraits of the staff of John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury, presented on his fifth anniversary as Secretary of the Treasury. A oval shaped portrait of John Snyder is on the image, as well as the Treasury building. The photo is signed by John W. Snyder and the original is in the oversized file.

Treasury Secretary Snyder at Board of Control luncheon of the U.S. Coast Guard

Guests attending the Board of Control luncheon of the United States Coast Guard listen to a talk by Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder. The luncheon highlighted the annual three-day conference in Washington of U.S. Coast Guard District Commanders. At the speaker's table (left to right) are: Esther (Mrs. Merlin) O'Neill, wife of the Commandant of the Coast Guard; Secretary Snyder; Vice Admiral Merlin O'Neill, Commandant; Gretchen (Mrs. Alfred C.) Richmond, wife of the Assistant Commandant of the Coast Guard, and Edward H. Foley, Under Secretary of the Treasury.

Harry S. Truman with the Special Committee on Civil Rights

Harry S. Truman with the Special Committee on Civil Rights. They are posing in the oval office. L to R: Right Rev. Henry Knox Sherrill, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church; Channing Tobias, of New York City, Director of Phelps-Stokes Fund; Richard Potter, a guest not on the committee; Rabbi Roland G. Gittlesohn, Rockville Center, New York; Francis P. Matthews, Omaha, Nebraska; Morris Ernst, New York City; John S. Dickey (rear), President of Dartmouth College; James B. Carey, Secretary-Treasurer of the C.I.O.; Dr. Sadie Alexander, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; C. E.

Members of the National Security Resources Board meet

Members of the National Security Resources Board are seated around a table, left to right: Charles Sawyer; Oscar Chapman; Dean Acheson; Stuart Symington; John Snyder; Stephen Early; Maurice Tobin; W. Averell Harriman. The men standing are, left to right: Clarence McCormick; Frederick Lawton; John Steelman; Herbert Howard; and Robert Smith. Donor: Dorothy Girton. Used by Democratic Digest.

President Harry S. Truman and staff on board the U.S.S. Williamsburg

Left to right: Charles Ross, Press Secretary; Harry Vaughan, Military Aid to the President; Ted Marks; Clark Clifford, White House Counsel; President Harry S. Truman; John Snyder, Secretary of Treasury; George Allen, Director, Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Wallace Graham, White House Physician; and Naval Aide James Foskett, on board the U.S.S. Williamsburg. This photo was taken while President Truman took a vacation cruise to Bermuda. Same as 96-31.