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Snyder, John W. (John Wesley), 1895-1985

President Truman Signs Federal Enforcement Agents Retirement Bill

President Harry S. Truman signs H.R. 6454, the Federal Enforcement Agents Retirement bill at his desk in the Oval Office of the White House. The bill became Public Law 879 during the 80th Congress. Pictured left to right: Assistant Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization Service Willard F. Kelly; unidentified; Director of the Bureau of Prisons James V. Bennett; unidentified (mostly obscured); unidentified; Commissioner of Narcotics Harry J. Anslinger; unidentified; Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization Service Watson B.

President Truman Meets with the Home Owners' Loan Corporation Officials

President Harry S. Truman (seated) receives check from the Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) representing the remaining funds of the HOLC after all obligations have been paid and doors have been closed. Standing (L to R): J. Stanley Baughman, Manager HOLC; J. Alston Adams, Republican Member Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB); Raymond Foley, Administrator, Housing and Home Finance Agency; John Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury; Oscar Kent LaRoque, Democratic Member FHLBB; William Divers, Chairman of the FHLBB; John Fahey, Chairman of the HOLC.

President Truman and Prime Minister Churchill at Anglo-American Meeting

Meeting between American and British government officials in Washington, D.C. Seated (L to R): Sir Anthony Eden, British Foreign Minister; Sir Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister; President Harry S. Truman; Dean Acheson, U.S. Secretary of State; John W. Snyder, U.S. Secretary of Treasury; Robert A. Lovett, U.S. Secretary of Defense. Standing (L to R): Walter S. Gifford, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain; General Omar N. Bradley; Sir Oliver Franks, British Ambassador to the U.S.; Lord Frederick Cherwell; Lord Hastings L. Ismay; W. Averell Harriman.

Daniel Family Vacations and Celebrations, c. 1973

This silent home movie footage, presumably shot by E. Clifton Daniel, shows members of the Daniel family, including E. Clifton Daniel, Margaret Truman Daniel, Clifton Truman Daniel, William Wallace Daniel, Harrison Gates Daniel, and Thomas Washington Daniel; former first lady Bess Truman; former Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, Drucie Snyder Horton, John Horton, and other Horton/Snyder family members.

Portions of this footage are closed for privacy reasons.