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Smith, Margaret Chase, 1897-1995

Maine State Society Dinner

Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (left) and Senator Owen Brewster (second from right) carry a cake for the Maine State Society lobster dinner in the Department of the Interior cafeteria. Also pictured: Senator Margaret Chase Smith (third from left); and Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman (right). All others unidentified.

Maine State Society Dinner

Guests at the Maine State Society lobster dinner in the Department of the Interior cafeteria. Pictured, head table: Senator Margaret Chase Smith (fifth from left); Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (sixth from left); Senator Owen Brewster (eighth from left); and Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman (eighth from right). All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Maine State Society Dinner

Left to right: Senator Margaret Chase Smith; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; unidentified; Senator Owen Brewster; Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman; and unidentified at the head table during the Maine State Society lobster dinner in the Department of the Interior cafeteria. All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook