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Schwellenbach, Lewis B. (Lewis Baxter), 1894-1948

Attendees at the 1945 National Labor-Management Conference

Members, alternates, and advisers of the Executive Committee of the National Labor-Management Conference pose during their meeting. The photo includes autographs of the men in the photo, but they are not original signatures. This photo is a copy of the original. The signatures include: Ted F. Silvey, Clarence O. Skinner, Vincent P. Ahearn, Lee Pressman, Philip Murray, Sidney Hillman, Herman W. Steinkraus, Raymond S. Smethurst, William E. Simkin, John E. Dietz, George W. Taylor, David Sarnoff, Walter P. Stacey, Joyce O'Hara, Lewis B. Schwellenbach, John Holmes, Eric Johnston, M.M.

Secretary of State George C. Marshall Shakes Hands with Former Secretary of State James F. Byrnes

From left to right, newly sworn in Secretary of State George C. Marshall, President Harry S. Truman, and outgoing Secretary of State James F. Byrnes have a good laugh. Visible in the background between General Marshall and President Truman is Secretary of War Robert Patterson. Visible in the background behind Mr. Byrnes is Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach. From the Scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Volume 3.

President Harry S. Truman's Cabinet and Family Outside the White House

The Cabinet members meet with President Harry S. Truman and his family outside the White House to accompany him to Capitol Hill as he delivers the State of the Union address. From left to right, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, Attorney General Tom Clark, Secretary of War Robert Patterson, Secretary of State James Byrnes, Bess Wallace Truman, President Truman, Margaret Truman, Secretary of Treasury John Snyder, Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman, and Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach.

Official Cabinet Photograph

This is an official photo of President Harry S. Truman and his Cabinet. Seated around the table from left to right, are: Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug, Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman, Federal Works Administrator Philip Fleming, Assistant to the President John Steelman, Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, Secretary of State George C. Marshall, President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, and Attorney General Tom C. Clark.

Dr. Edwin G. Nourse Reports to the Cabinet

Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, head of the President's Special Economic Advisory Council, reports to the Cabinet that rationing and price controls are essential to the success of the food conservation program through which the United States is called upon to aid starving Europe. In the front row, from left to right, pictured are Acting Secretary of State Robert Lovett, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, and Attorney General Tom C. Clark.