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Schricker, Henry Frederick, 1883-1966

Indiana Governor Henry F. Schricker with Roy V. Peel and Others

Indiana Governor Henry F. Schricker (second from right) and Director of Census Roy V. Peel (right) pose with two unidentified officials from Indiana University with a map of the United States. The map illustrates that the population center of the United States shifted from Indiana to Illinois. Text printed at the top of the map says, "Center of Population 1790-1950." Text at the bottom says: "Hello Illinois! Goodbye Indiana!" Across the center of the map are a line of several stars, indicating the shifting center of population.

President Truman at Union Station in Indianapolis, Indiana

President Harry S. Truman, on an Indianapolis Union Station platform early this morning, linked arms with Frank E. McKinney (left), Indianapolis banker and former Democratic national chairman, and Governor Henry F. Schricker (right) who is running for the Senate against Senator William E. Jenner, (R-Ind.) Same photo as 68-1620, but better quality. From: Houston Post.