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Schoeppel, Andrew Frank, 1894-1962

Luncheon at the Capitol Building with Raymond Foley and Members of Kansas Delegation

Luncheon at the Vanderberg Room, Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. Seated left to right: Housing and Home Finance Administrator Raymond M. Foley, Senator Frank Carlson, Governor Edward F. Arn, Senator Andrew F. Schoeppel, and Alfred E. Howse, assistant to director to Charles E. Wilson of the Office of Defense Mobilization. Standing from left to right: Representative Myron V. George; Representative Errett P. Scrivner; Representative Clifford R. Hope; and Representative Edward H. Rees (all of Kansas).

President Harry S. Truman speaks to Congress

Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio (right, seated in third row from floor) sits with his hand to his mouth as he hears President Harry S. Truman (at rostrum, extreme left) denounce the Taft-Hartley Act and ask congress to quickly give him power to seize and operate the struck steel industry. Seated in the same row as Senator Taft are from left: Joseph McCarthy (Wisconsin), Richard Nixon (California) and Andrew Schoeppel (Kansas). Donor: Hennepin County Historical Society