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Schilling, David Carl, 1918-1956

Colonel David Schilling Receives the Harmon International Trophy

Colonel David Schilling, fourth from the left, receives the Harmon International Trophy in the Rose Garden at the White House. Schilling had been selected as the outstanding aviator for 1950. On September 22, 1950, Colonel Schilling successfully flew a Republic F-84E Thunderjet from Manston, England, to Limestone Air Force Base in Maine, accomplishing by means of in-flight refueling the first nonstop transatlantic jet aircraft flight. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Presents Trophy to Colonel David Schilling and Associates

President Harry S. Truman (left) presents the Harmon International Trophy to Colonel David Schilling, United States Air Force (right), who was selected as the outstanding aviator for 1950. Standing in the background, are, from left to right, Secretary of the Air Force Thomas Finletter, Secretary of Defense Robert Lovett, Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, and two other unidentified men. Other associates in photo are unknown.

President Harry S. Truman Presents Trophy to Colonel David Schilling

President Harry S. Truman (left) presents the Harmon International Trophy to Colonel David Schilling, United States Air Force (right), who had been selected as the outstanding aviator for 1950. Standing in the background from left to right is Secretary of the Air Force Thomas Finletter, Secretary of Defense Robert Lovett, Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, and two unidentified men. All others are unidentified.