Rosenman, Samuel I. (Samuel Irving), 1896-1973
Former President and Mrs. Truman, Mr. and Mrs. Rosenman at lunch at the Hotel Negresco in Nice, France
Former President Truman, an unidentified couple, and Samuel Rosenman in Nice, France
Former President Truman, Mr. Samuel Rosenman, and an unidentified man stand at the rear of a car
Former President Harry S. Truman, hat in hand, Mr. Samuel Rosenman, and an unidentified man stand at the rear of a car in Nice, France.
Former President and Mrs. Truman seated with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rosenman aboard the S.S. Constitution
Seated at the table left to right are Mr. Samuel Rosenman, Mrs. Bess Truman, Former President Harry S. Truman, and Mrs. Samuel Rosenman aboard the SS Constitution during the Truman's trip to Europe. The man standing is unidentified.
Truman Reading Announcement of Japanese Surrender
Truman reading announcement of Japanese surrender
President Truman receives report from President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training
Chairman Karl T. Compton (second from left) gives President Harry S. Truman (seated) the report of the President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training at the White House as other members of the commission look on. Left to right, standing; The Rev. Edmund Walsh, vice-President of Georgetown University in Washington; Chairman Karl T. Compton, president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Judge Samuel Rosenman, former special counsel to the President; Mrs. Anna Rosenberg, industrial relations consultant; Truman K. Gibson, Jr., lawyer; and Dr.