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Rosenman, Samuel I. (Samuel Irving), 1896-1973

Truman Reading Announcement of Japanese Surrender

President Harry S. Truman (standing at desk) reads the announcement of the Japanese surrender ending World War II to various reporters and officials in the Oval Office. Seated on the sofa in the background are (left to right): Reathel Odum, Mrs. Bess W. Truman, Samuel Rosenman, and John Snyder. Seated behind President Truman is Secretary of State James Byrnes. Standing behind President Truman at the window is Attorney General Tom Clark (left) and Senator Arthur Vandenberg (right). Others are unidentified.

Truman reading announcement of Japanese surrender

President Harry S. Truman (standing at desk) reads the announcement of the Japanese surrender ending World War II to various reporters and officials in the Oval Office. Seated on the sofa in the background are (left to right): Reathel Odum, Mrs. Bess W. Truman, Samuel Rosenman, and John Snyder. Seated behind President Truman is Secretary of State James Byrnes. Standing behind President Truman at the window is Attorney General Tom Clark (left) and Senator Arthur Vandenberg (right). Others are unidentified.

President Truman receives report from President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training

Chairman Karl T. Compton (second from left) gives President Harry S. Truman (seated) the report of the President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training at the White House as other members of the commission look on. Left to right, standing; The Rev. Edmund Walsh, vice-President of Georgetown University in Washington; Chairman Karl T. Compton, president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Judge Samuel Rosenman, former special counsel to the President; Mrs. Anna Rosenberg, industrial relations consultant; Truman K. Gibson, Jr., lawyer; and Dr.

Charles Ross, Samuel I. Rosenman and Matt Connelly

From left to right, Press Secretary Charles Ross, Samuel I. Rosenman and Appointment Secretary Matthew Connelly seated together reading a report. The photo has been autographed by Samuel I. Roseman as follows: "For Charles Ross-with fond memories of my association with him in many liberal causes, and in serving a great human being as President. Samuel I. Rosenman." Original photo is in oversize file.