Under Secretary of Commerce Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. and unidentified men look at a cow on a farm at Ebetsu in Hokkaido, Japan. Scanned from original negative.
Image of (left to right) unidentified children, Under Secretary of Commerce Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., unidentified woman, Mr. Dodson, unidentified woman, United States Economic Minister to Japan Arthur Z. Gardiner (mostly obscured by second woman), Mr. Satani, and unidentified woman in a courtyard at an unidentified location in Japan. In the background is a house or other structure.
Image of (left to right) Mr. Dodson, Mr. Satani, Under Secretary of Commerce Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., United States Economic Minister to Japan Arthur Z. Gardiner, and Mr. Novotny looking at a row of crops at an unidentified farm in Japan, with piles of hay in the background.
Image of (left to right) United States Economic Minister to Japan Arthur Z. Gardiner, unidentified woman, Suzanne Perrin Roosevelt, unidentified woman, unidentified man, Under Secretary of Commerce Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Mr. Satani, Mr. Dodson, and Mr. Novotny visiting a strawberry farm in Japan.
Under Secretary of Commerce Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. (right) with his wife, Suzanne P. Roosevelt, on a tour of Japan. Others in the background are unidentified.
Group of men looking at cattle on a vegetable farm in Atsugi, Japan. The man on the left is Under Secretary of Commerce Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. With him is his wife, Suzanne Perrin Roosevelt (foreground). Others are unidentified.
Under Secretary of Commerce Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. (right) and his wife, Suzanne P. Roosevelt, seated on Tokai Do Line train in Japan. Others in the background are unidentified.
Under Secretary of Commerce Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. (foreground, left) and Suzanne Perrin Roosevelt outside the new Tokai Do Line train in Japan. Others in the background are unidentified.