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Roosevelt, Elliott, 1910-1990

Stamp Ceremony Outside the Hyde Park Post Office

Stamp ceremony outside the Hyde Park, New York Post Office for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Stamp showing the Roosevelt home in Hyde Park, New York in the background. From left to right in the first row on the platform: Elliott Roosevelt; Faye Emerson (Mrs. Elliott) Roosevelt; former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt; Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan; Third Assistant Postmaster Joseph J. Lawler; and Irma (Mrs. Robert) Hannegan. The dog in the lower left corner is probably Fala, former President Franklin D. Roosevelt's dog. All others are unidentified.

Speech by Hannegan at Hyde Park Stamp Ceremony

Postmaster Robert Hannegan speaks at the stamp ceremony outside the Hyde Park, New York Post Office for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Stamp showing the Roosevelt home in Hyde Park, New York in the background. Seated from left to right in the first row on the platform: Elliott Roosevelt; Faye Emerson (Mrs. Elliott) Roosevelt; former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt; Third Assistant Postmaster Joseph J. Lawler; and Irma (Mrs. Robert) Hannegan. All others are unidentified.

Eleanor Roosevelt During Auriol Visit

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt poses with guests in front of a portrait of the late president Franklin D. Roosevelt during the visit of French President Vincent Auriol to Roosevelt home in Hyde Park, New York. From left to right: Elliott Roosevelt; Minnewa (Mrs. Elliott) Roosevelt; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; Eleanor Roosevelt; Arthur Demaray, Director, National Park Service; and Dr. Paul J. Raver, Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration.