Stuart A. Rice, on left, and two unidentified men at an unidentified location in Okinawa, Japan. Mr. Rice was in Okinawa with the Statistical Advisors to learn about the conditions, problems and development of the area.
Stuart A. Rice, on left, and two unidentified men at an unidentified location in Okinawa, Japan. Mr. Rice is in Okinawa as a Statistical Advisor to learn about the conditions, problems and development of the area.
Stuart A. Rice picking up sea shells. The Statistical Advisors were staying at the Okuma Rest Center for officers during their two day tour of Okinawa, Japan, to learn about the conditions, problems and development.
Stuart A. Rice, center, and other unidentified statistical advisors at the Okuma Rest Center, where they spent the night during their visit to Northern Okinawa, Japan to learn about the conditions, problems and development of the area.
Stuart A. Rice, on left, an unidentified officer and two unidentified Statistical Advisors at the Okuma Rest Center for Officers in Northern Okinawa, Japan. The area was visited by the Statistical Advisors to learn about the conditions, problems and development.
Horse hitched to wagon to haul sugar cane from field. The Statistical Advisors visit the field in Northern Okinawa, Japan to learn about the conditions and problems. Stuart A. Rice is shown on the right. Others are unidentified.