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Rao, Paul Peter, 1899-1988

Dais of John Snyder and guests at Testimonial Dinner

Dais of guests at Testimonial Dinner for Attorney General James Howard McGrath at the Commodore Hotel in New York, New York. Left to right: Federal Trade Commissioner James M. Mead, Hon. Generoso Pope, Jr., General of the Army Mark W. Clark, Secretary of Treasury John Snyder, Judge Paul Rao of the U.S. Customs Court, Mr. Irving Geist, boy unidentified, Attorney General James McGrath (partially obscured). See also 61-160-01.

Testimonial Dinner for Attorney General McGrath

Testimonial dinner in honor of Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, given by Col. Francis Vigo Post #1093, American Legion, at the Hotel Commodore. Lower dias, left to right: District Attorney Frank S. Hogan; U.S. District Court Judge Irving R. Kaufman; U.S. District Court Judge Gregory F. Noonan; Judge Vincent A. Lupiano of the Municipal Court; Judge Edward J. McCullen of the City Court; Judge Edward M. Curran of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia; Executive assistant to the Attorney General Grace M. Stewart; Judge Edward A. Tamm of the U.S.