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Ramspeck, Robert, 1890-1972

Truman with President's Committee on National Employment of the Physically Handicapped

President Harry S. Truman (center) met with the members of The President's Committee on National Employment of the Physically Handicapped to discuss the employment of physically handicapped throughout the year. Front row, left to right: Secretary of Labor, Lewis B. Schwellenbach; Secretary of the American Federation of the Physically Handicapped, Mildred Scott; Morris S. Frank of the Seeing Eye Dog, Incorporated, with his canine; President Truman; Vice Admiral Ross T. McIntire, Medical Corps U.S.

Truman taking the oath of office

Harry S. Truman taking the oath of office at the White House after the death of President Roosevelt. From left to right: Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor; Henry Stimson, Secretary of War; Henry Wallace, Secretary of Commerce; Julius Krug, War Production Board Administrator; James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy; Claude Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture; Francis McNamee, Department Chairman, War Manpower Commission; Francis Biddle, Attorney General; Harry S.

Harry S. Truman taking the oath of office

Harry S. Truman taking the oath of office at the White House after the death of President Roosevelt. From left to right: Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor; Henry Stimson, Secretary of War; Henry Wallace, Secretary of Commerce; Julius Krug, War Production Board Administrator; James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy; Claude Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture; Francis McNamee, Department Chairman, War Manpower Commission; Francis Biddle, Attorney General; Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury; Harry S.

Gael Sullivan Testimonial Dinner

A group of men posed for a picture at the testimonial dinner to Second Assistant Postmaster General Gael Sullivan at the Hotel Pennsylvania. Front row (l-r): John D. Hardy, Deputy Second Assistant Postmaster General; Morris Klein, President of New York Railway Mail Association; Senator James M. Mead; Second Assistant Postmaster General Gael Sullivan; Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan; Albert Goldman, Postmaster New York, New York; and Chief Inspector James J. Doran. Second row: Peter J. Schardt, American Association of Railroads; William M.

Photo of UMW President John L. Lewis with Rep. Robert Ramspeck

United Mine Workers President John L. Lewis after appearing before the House Labor Committee. Shown at left is Rep. Robert Ramspeck, Georgia. Mr. Lewis had denounced President Truman's bill to set up fact-finding boards in major labor disputes as "an evil, foul-smelling mess", which he didn't think could be "poured down the throats of the American people". He said that this bill would be the first drastic thrust of the knife of absolutism into the heart of a free America and an attempt to place labor in legislative irons." From: Beth Gore.