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Quinn, William W. (William Wilson), 1907-

Lieutenant General Quinn and Lieutenant General Truman Outside VII Corps Headquarters

Lieutenant General William Quinn (foreground, left), Commander 7th Army and Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman (right), Commander VII Corps, greet each other outside VII Corps Headquarters. The occasion was Armed Forces Day held as part of German American Friendship Week at Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany. Other soldier in the background is unidentified.

Lieutenant General William W. Quinn, Seventh Army Commander, Salutes During the Honor Ceremony

Lieutenant General William W. Quinn (center), Seventh Army Commander, salutes during the Honor Ceremony held to welcome him to VII Corps Kelley Barracks, Stutt-Moehringen, Germany. Lieutenant Louis W. Truman can be seen partially obscured behind General Quinn. All other soldiers are unidentified.