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Preller, Clement F., 1890-1958

Gompers' Square Dedication

From left to right: William Green, President, American Federation of Labor; President Harry S. Truman; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; Margaret Truman; Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin; and Clement F. Preller, President, Washington Central Labor Union at the dedication of Gompers' Square in Washington, D.C. Others in background unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Gompers Square Dedication

Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (at podium) delivers an address at the dedication of Gompers Square in Washington, D.C. Also pictured: William Green, President, American Federation of Labor (front row, second from left); Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin (front row, right); and Clement F. Preller, President, Washington Central Labor Union (third row, right of podium). All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook