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Porter, Paul R. (Paul Robert), 1908-2002

Portrait of Paul R. Porter

Portrait of Paul R. Porter, used in the 1980 Conference, "The Conduct of Foreign Policy during the Truman Administration." Mr. Porter was Deputy Chief, then Chief, Mission for Economic Affairs, American Embassy, London, 1945-47, Chief, U. S. delegate, Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, 1947-49; Chief, Economic Cooperation Administration Mission to Greece, 1949-50; Assistant Administrator, Economic Cooperation Administration, 1950-51; U. S. Special Representative in Europe, Marshall Plan, 1951; Deputy, U. S.

Battle Report - Washington Television Program Participants

Participants in the television program "Battle Report - Washington" gather on the set of the show. Standing from left to right are: Paul Porter, Clifford B. McManus, Charles W. Connor, James Boyd, Bruce K. Brown and Theodore A. Ayers. Leaning on the desk is Robert McCormick, NBC's Washington Manager of TV News and Special Events. John R. Steelman, producer of the show for the Truman Administration, is seated.