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Porter, James Woodrow, Journalist

Truman posing with reporters at the railroad station in Independence, Missouri

At the Missouri Pacific train station in Independence, Missouri, former President Harry S. Truman poses with newspersons from the Independence and Kansas City area. Standing: Bill Straeter, J. W. (Bud) Porter, President Truman, Hurley K. Burgess, Sue Gentry, Wes Lyle and Dick Corliss. Kneeling are Sammie Feeback and Randall Jessee. The occasion was a surprise birthday party for the former President given by local reporters and photographers as he and Mrs. Truman prepared to depart for New York and Washington to attend a series of 75th birthday celebrations. Includes an original negative.

Truman posing with reporters

At the Missouri Pacific train station in Independence, Missouri, former President Harry S. Truman poses with newspersons from the Independence and Kansas City area. Standing: Bill Straeter, J. W. (Bud) Porter, President Truman, Hurley K. Burgess, Sue Gentry, Wes Lyle and Dick Corliss. Kneeling are Sammie Feeback and Randall Jessee. The occasion was a surprise birthday party for the former President given by local reporters and photographers as he and Mrs. Truman prepared to depart for New York and Washington to attend a series of 75th birthday celebrations. Includes an original negative.

Former President Harry S. Truman with Reporters and Photographers

Former President Harry S. Truman poses at the Missouri Pacific train station in Independence, Missouri with journalists from the Independence and Kansas City area. Standing, left to right: Bill Straeter, J. W. (Bud) Porter, former President Truman, Hurley K. Burgess (Railway Express Managers and friend of Mr. Truman), Sue Gentry, Wes Lyle, and Dick Corliss. Kneeling, Sammy Feeback and Randall Jessee. The occasion was a surprise birthday party for the former President given by local reporters and photographers as he and Mrs. Truman prepared to depart for New York and Washington, D. C.

Harry S. Truman with Members of the Press

The Truman Early Risers Walking Society of Independence, Missouri. Harry S. Truman with Milton Freier, Arthur E. Scott, Jack Bernett, Bill Chaplin, Joe Fox, Warren Duffee, Frank Rowyhaltzen, James Porter, Tony Vaccaro, and Felix Cotten. They are members of the press who covered President Truman's Christmas trip to Independence, Missouri. Signed by all members of the group. Original Photograph Oversized.

Group at Coin Exhibit

A group gathers for a photograph in front of a coin exhibit. They were attending a ceremony at which a set of coins issued by every President of the United States was given to the Library. From left to right: J. W. Porter, James R. Fuchs, Bess W. Truman, John W. Snyder, Joseph B. Stack, Former President Harry S. Truman, and Ward Canaday. All others are unidentified.

Group Photo at Coin Exhibit

A group gathers for a photograph in front of a coin exhibit. They were attending a ceremony at which a set of coins issued by every President of the United States was given to the Library. From left to right: J.W. Porter, James R. Fuchs, Bess W. Truman, John W. Snyder, Joseph B. Stack, Former President Harry S. Truman, and Ward Canaday. All others are unidentified.