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Platt, Eleanor, 1910-1974

Chief Justice Warren, former President Truman, Dean Acheson, Oscar Chapman, Eleanor Platt at the dedication of the Dean Acheson bust

At the dedication of a bust of Secretary of State Dean Acheson at the Harry S. Truman Library are left to right: Chief Justice Earl Warren, former President Harry S. Truman, former Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Oscar Chapman, and Sculptor Eleanor Platt.

Chapman speaking at the presentation of the Acheson bust to the Truman Library

Former Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman speaking at the Harry S. Truman Library the day the bust of Dean Acheson was presented. Seated onstage behind Chapman: Executive Director of the Harry S. Truman Library, Inc., David D. Lloyd; Chief Justice Earl Warren; former Secretary of State Dean Acheson; sculptor Eleanor Platt.