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Philip, Prince, consort of Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, 1921-2021

Princess Elizabeth Presents Truman with Overmantel

President Harry S. Truman and First Lady Bess W. Truman (left) receive an overmantel for the renovated White House presented by Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom (center right)on behalf of her father, King George VI. Prince Philip (right) looks on. The overmantel consisted of a English candelabra and a three-part mirror, with an oil painting of flowers set in a carved gilt frame. Also present is British Ambassador to the United States Oliver Franks (far left), Admiral Robert Dennison (left side of platform, fifth from right), and General Harry Vaughan (left side of platform, right).

Trumans Greet Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip

President Harry S. Truman (center), Mrs. Bess Truman (foreground, second from left) and Margaret Truman (foreground, left) greet Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom (foreground, second from right) and her husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh (foreground, right), upon their arrival at Washington National Airport. In the background on the far left are Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder and Mrs. Evlyn Snyder. All others are unidentified.

Prince Philip of England, Bess Truman, and Margaret Truman sitting in the back of an automobile

2" x2-1/4" black-and-white "tele-snap" of Prince Philip of England, Bess Truman, and Margaret Truman sitting in the back of an automobile at Washington National Airport where he and Princess Elizabeth have just arrived for visit to the United States. The pictures were photographed directly from a television screen and were taken during the showing of the B.B.C. Television News Reel of the exact scenes which appeared on the TV screens of millions of British viewers. From: John Cura.

Prince Philip of England, Bess Truman, and Margaret Truman in the back of an automobile

2" x 2-1/2" black-and-white "tele-snap;" of Prince Philip of England, Bess Truman, and Margaret Truman sitting in the back of an automobile at Washington National Airport where he and Princess Elizabeth have just arrived for a visit to the United States. The pictures were photographed directly from a television screen and were taken during the showing of the B.B.C. Television News Reel of the exact scenes which appeared on the TV screens of millions of British viewers. From: John Cura.