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Peterson, James Hardin, 1894-1978

Luncheon for Congressman Peterson

Senator Joseph O'Mahoney (second from right) shakes hands with Congressman James Hardin Peterson (third from left) at a luncheon in honor of Congressman Peterson's retirement. Also pictured: Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Interior Vernon Northrop (left); Assistant Secretary of the Interior William E. Warne (second from left); Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (third from right); and Assistant Secretary of the Interior Dale Doty (right). All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Luncheon Honoring Congressman Peterson

Department of the Interior staff and guests at a luncheon honoring retiring Congressman James Hardin Peterson. Pictured at the head table, facing camera: Assistant Secretary of the Interior Dale Doty (fourth from right); Senator Joseph O'Mahoney (fifth from right); Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (sixth from right); Congressman Peterson (sixth from left); Assistant Secretary of the Interior William E. Warne (fifth from left); and Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Interior Vernon Northrop (fourth from left). Also pictured at head table, back to camera: Edward J.