Perry, Dexter S., 1895-1965
Former President Truman with American Legion Members
Group of American Legion Commanders and Past Commanders with former President Harry S. Truman, in his office at the Truman Library, as follows, left to right: Past State Commander Earl H. Shackelford, Jefferson City; Dexter Perry, Independence; Fred Pimblott, Independence; Past Commander Charles L. Bacon, Kansas City; National Executive Committeeman William H. Cain, Butler; Department (State) Commander of the American Legion Lory Stahly, Cape Girardeau; Emil Oeser, Post 21, Independence; Harry S.
Former President Truman with American Legion Members
Group of American Legion Commanders and Past Commanders with former President Harry S. Truman, in his office at the Truman Library, as follows: Left to Right: Past State Commander Earl H. Shackelford, Jefferson City; Dexter Perry, Independence; Fred Pimblott, Independence; Past Commander Charles L. Bacon, Kansas City; National Executive Committeeman William H. Cain, Butler; Department (State) Commander of the American Legion Lory Stahly, Cape Girardeau; Emil Oeser, Post 21, Independence; Harry S.