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Patterson, Robert Porter, 1891-1952

President Harry S. Truman addressing a Joint Session of Congress, the Truman Doctrine speech

President Harry S. Truman addressing a Joint Session of the 80th Congress, requesting aid for Greece and Turkey (Truman Doctrine). On the front row, lower right foreground, from left to right are Cabinet Secretaries John Snyder, Dean Acheson, Robert Patterson, Tom Clark, James Forrestal, Clinton Anderson, W. Averell Harriman, and Lewis Schwellenbach.

President Harry S. Truman Presents Award to Alexander De Seversky

In ceremonies on the White House lawn, President Harry S. Truman awarded the International Harmon Trophy to Major Alexander P. De Seversky, aeronautical engineer. The Ligue Internationale des Aviateurs awarded the trophy to De Seversky for "outstanding leadership, patriotism, and unselfish devotion to the security and aeronautical progress of the United States." From left to right: Mrs. Evelyn De Seversky, Major Alexander De Seversky, Secretary of War Robert Patterson, and President Harry S. Truman.

Truman presenting aeronautics award to Alexander De Seversky

In ceremonies on the White House lawn, President Harry S. Truman awarded the International Harmon Trophy to Major Alexander P. De Seversky, aeronautical engineer. The Ligue Internationale des Aviateurs awarded the trophy to De Seversky for "outstanding leadership, patriotism, and unselfish devotion to the security and aeronautical progress of the United States." From left to right: Mrs. Evelyn De Seversky, Major Alexander De Seversky, Secretary of War Robert Patterson, and President Harry S. Truman.

President Truman and his Cabinet

President Harry S. Truman and his Cabinet, 1947. From left to right: Cliton P. Anderson, Secretary of Agriculture; Lewis Schwellenbach, Secretary of Labor; W. Averell Harriman, Secretary of Commerce; Julius Krug, Secretary of the Interior; Robert Hannegan, Postmaster General; Robert Patterson, Secretary of War; George C. Marshall, Secretary of State; President Truman; John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury; Tom Clark, Attorney General; James V. Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy.

President Truman and his Cabinet

President Harry S. Truman and his Cabinet, 1947. From left to right: Cliton P. Anderson, Secretary of Agriculture; Lewis Schwellenbach, Secretary of Labor; W. Averell Harriman, Secretary of Commerce; Julius Krug, Secretary of the Interior; Robert Hannegan, Postmaster General; Robert Patterson, Secretary of War; George C. Marshall, Secretary of State; President Truman; John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury; Tom Clark, Attorney General; James V. Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy.

Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony in East Room of White House

Military officials and dignitaries are seated in the East Room of the White House for a Congressional Medal of Honor presentation ceremony. A portrait of First Lady Martha Washington is visible on the wall behind the men. George Marshall, United States Army Chief of Staff, is seated third from the right on the first row. General Omar Bradley is seated on the far right on the second row. Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal is seated front row, left. and Under Secretary of War Robert Patterson is seated in the front row, second from left. All others are unidentified.

President Truman Accepts Citation from National Conference of Christians and Jews

A smiling President Harry S. Truman (center) today displays an emblem and a citation which he received from the National Conference of Christians and Jews. The President stands on the White House steps with Thomas E. Braniff (left), Robert Patterson (right) and other officers of the conference. Man partly hidden at extreme right is J. Robert Rubin. The citation says Truman holds "moral principle to be above all other considerations." From: Houston Post.

Cabinet Members Leave the White House After Ceremony Welcoming Mexican President

Members of President Harry S. Truman's Cabinet leave the White House following an official ceremony welcoming President Miguel Aleman of Mexico. From left to right: Secretary of State George Marshall, Secretary of the Navy James Forestall, and Secretary of War Robert Patterson. Others in the background are unidentified.