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Osmers, Fred

Members of the Association of the United States Army Washington State Chapter No. 1 Executive Committee

Members of the Association of the United States Army Washington State Chapter No. 1 Executive Committee. From left to right around the table: Colonel Joseph B. Coolidge, Deputy Post Commander and Chief of Staff (extreme left, partly cut off by frame); Mr. Harold Meyer, 1st Vice President; Colonel James Stack, retired; Mr. John Hendricks, 2nd Vice President; Mr. Tom Martin, Washington State Treasurer; Mr. Ray Clark, President; Major General Louis W. Truman; Mr. Fred Osmers; and Lieutenant Colonel John A. Spencer, Secretary.

Louis W. Truman Awards a Certificate of Achievement to Frank S. Baker

Frank S. Baker (center), who worked on the bond drive and negotiations for the land grant that established Fort Lewis in 1917, was honored with a parade and banquet for his work in starting the army installation. Major General Louis W. Truman (left) presented Baker with a certificate of achievement and Fred Osmers (right), president of the Washington State Chapter No. 1 of the Association of the United States Army, spoke at the presentation.

Walter Williams Speaks to Members of the Washington State Association of the United States Army (AUSA)

Walter Williams (standing), former Undersecretary of Commerce, speaks to members of the Washington State Chapter No. 1 of the Association of the United States Army. Williams' speech related to the possibility of admitting China to the United Nations and the lifting of trade restrictions. Fred Osmers of Tacoma, Washington, chapter president, is seated left of Mr. Williams. Major General Louis W. Truman (arm extended), 5th Infantry Division and Fort Lewis commander, was host for the meeting.

Officers of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA)

Officers of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA), chosen to lead the Washington State Chapter of AUSA. Pictured (left to right): Fred Osmers, President; Ray Clark, First Vice President; Nat Hatcher, Treasurer; Harold Meyer, Second Vice President, and Lieutenant Colonel John A. Spencer, Secretary. The men are being honored at Fort Lewis located in Washington State. All other individuals are unidentified.

Officers of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA)

Officers of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA), chosen to lead the Washington State Chapter of AUSA. Pictured (left to right): Fred Osmers, President; Ray Clark, First Vice President; Nat Hatcher, Treasurer; Harold Meyer, Second Vice President, and Lieutenant Colonel John A. Spencer, Secretary. The men are being honored at Fort Lewis located in Washington State. All other individuals are unidentified.