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Nourse, Edwin Griswold, 1883-1974

Council of Economic Advisers Meeting

Members of the Council of Economic Advisers and White House staff members working on the President's Midyear Economic Report in the Cabinet Room. From left to right: Charles S. Murphy, Administrative Assistant to the President; David E. Bell, Special Assistant in the White House Office; Leon H. Keyserling, Vice Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; Robert C. Turner, consultant on the White House staff; Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; and John D. Clark, member of the Council of Economic Advisers.

Council of Economic Advisers Prepare 1949 Midyear Report

Members of the Council of Economic Advisers and White House staff members working on the President's Midyear Economic Report in the Cabinet Room. From left to right: Charles S. Murphy, Administrative Assistant to the President; David E. Bell, Special Assistant in the White House Office; Leon H. Keyserling, Vice Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; Robert C. Turner, consultant on the White House staff; Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; and John D. Clark, member of the Council of Economic Advisers.

Paul Hoffman sworn in by Chief Justice Vinson

Paul Hoffman (foreground, left) is sworn in by Chief Justice Fred Vinson (foreground, right) as administrator of the Economic Recovery Corporation in a ceremony in the oval office. President Harry S. Truman is in the center behind his desk. Standing in back, L to R: unidentified man, unidentified man, Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug, Secretary of the Army Kenneth Royall, Attorney General Tom Clark, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson, unidentified man, Under Secretary of State Robert Lovett, and Edwin Nourse.

Truman with Hoffman

President Harry S. Truman (foreground, right) shakes hands with Paul Hoffman (foreground, left) after being sworn in as administrator of the Economic Recovery Corporation in a ceremony in the oval office. Chief Justice Fred Vinson stands in the middle. Standing in the background, from left to right: Attorney General Tom Clark; Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson; Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson; Under Secretary of State Robert Lovett; Edwin Nourse, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; Admiral William D. Leahy; two unidentified men.