Niles, David K., 1892-1952
Truman Press Conference in Key West
President Harry S. Truman (standing far left)holds press conference while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Also present are, from left to right, Admiral William Leahy (behind Truman, mostly obscured), General Robert Landry, General Harry Vaughan, David Niles (wearing sunglasses, partly obscured), Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington, and Clark Clifford. On the right, leaning on the back of a chair, is Margaret Truman. All others are unidentified.
Truman Press Conference in Key West
Press Conference in the Garden of the Little White House
Unidentified reporters and photographers at a press conference held in garden of the Little White House in Key West, Florida, during President Harry S. Truman's ninth vacation visit. Standing in the background are Administrative Assistant to the President David Niles (far left, behind photographer), and Appointment Secretary Matthew Connelly (seventh from left).