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MacGregor and Company, Detroit, MI

Raymond Foley Standing on Porch in Plymouth, Michigan

Raymond Foley and others stand on the porch of a house in Plymouth, Michigan. They are inspecting the first ten-house unit of Shelden Land Company's defense housing project on Arthur Avenue. From left to right: Federal Housing Administration State Director Raymond Foley; C. G. Wilson, Vice President, Shelden Land Company; C. H. Elliott, Plymouth City Manager; Earl Russell, President, Plymouth Chamber of Commerce; L. B. Krogh, Sales Manager, Shelden Land Company.

Raymond Foley Standing on a Porch in Plymouth, Michigan

Raymond Foley and others stand on the porch of a house in Plymouth, Michigan. They are inspecting the first ten-house unit of Shelden Land Company's defense housing project on Arthur Avenue. From left to right: Federal Housing Administration State Director Raymond Foley; C. G. Wilson, Vice President, Shelden Land Company; C. H. Elliott, Plymouth City Manager; Earl Russell, President, Plymouth Chamber of Commerce; L. B. Krogh, Sales Manager, Shelden Land Company.