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More, Jake, 1903 or 4-1986

Hannegan Meets with Democratic Leaders

Democratic National Committee Chairman Robert E. Hannegan (right) meets with Democratic leaders from Midwestern and Southern states in Chicago. Pictured are (left to right): Mrs. Gladys A. Tillet, Des Moines, Iowa; Jake More, Bloomfield, Iowa; Mrs. Benona Young, Bloomfield, Iowa; Mrs. Florena Lynch, Lemars, Iowa; Mrs. Jack Carnes, Camden, Arkansas; Dr. R.B. Robins, Camden, Arkansas; G.G. Jeck, Atlantic, Iowa.

Dedication of mural at library

From left to right, former President Harry S. Truman (back turned, in background), Jake More (talking to Truman), Chief Justice Earl Warren, unidentified man, Robert Bolton, Dr. Philip C. Brooks, and Library guard Edward Ingram at the dedication of the Thomas Hart Benton mural at the Harry S. Truman Library. All others are unidentified.

Truman at mural dedication

From left to right, former President Harry S. Truman (back turned), unidentified man, Chief Justice Earl Warren, Jake More (partly obscured by Mr. Warren), Fred Whitaker, Robert Bolton, Dr. Philip C. Brooks, and guard Edward Ingram at the dedication of Thomas Hart Benton's mural at the Truman Library. All others are unidentified.