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Mitscher, Marc Andrew, 1887-1947

President Harry S. Truman Shares Dinner Onboard the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

President Harry S. Truman, members of his party, and United States Navy officers eat dinner aboard the aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, during the Eighth Fleet's naval exercises off the Virginia Capes. Seated clockwise around the table, from the center foreground: unidentified; John R. Steelman; unidentified naval officer; unidentified man; Admiral William D. Leahy; President Harry S. Truman; Admiral Marc A. Mitscher; Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal; unidentified man (obscured); Press Secretary Charles Ross; and two unidentified men.

Truman and Party on U. S. S. Franklin D. Roosevelt

From left to right: Captain Taylor, Admiral Marc A. Mitscher, unidentified Navy officer (partly obscured), Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Captain Clark Clifford, Admiral William D. Leahy, Press Secretary Charles Ross, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, President Harry S. Truman, Correspondence Secretary William Hassett, Special Assistant to the President Edwin Locke, Brigadier General Harry H. Vaughan, and two unidentified men. They are aboard the U. S. S. Franklin D. Roosevelt during fleet maneuvers off the Virginia Capes.

Truman shaking hands with Admiral Mitscher

President Harry S. Truman (left) on the White House lawn shaking hands with Admiral Marc Mitscher (right), commander of the 8th Fleet and wartime commander of Task Force 58, during a ceremony in which the President awarded Presidential Unit Citations to eight U.S. Navy aircraft carriers. The aircraft carriers honored were the BELLEAU WOOD, BUNKER HILL, CABOT, ESSEX, HORNET, LEXINGTON, SAN JACINTO, and YORKTOWN.