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Miller, Merle, 1919-1986

Screen Gems Collection (outtakes from the television series "Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman")

Merle Miler interviews former president Harry S. Truman. They discuss the 1948 campaign, Margaret and Bess's involvement in it, the whistle stop tour, inaccurate press coverage of it, watching the 1948 RNC, and the inaccurate polling. He also reviews the campaigns of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, and Andrew Jackson. Sound and picture. 

Merle Miller Interview with Harry S. Truman, Tape 6, Side A

Conversation among Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, David Noyes, and William Hillman, Tape 6, Side A. These tapes were the basis of the book "Plain Speaking." See finding aid for Merle Miller tapes for detailed information and description. This recording deals with such former President Truman answering questions about the Korean War from military officers at Fort Leavenworth. He discusses the role of the United Nations in the Korean War, possible use of atomic weapons, the origins of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and potential intervention in China. Two parts.

Merle Miller Interview with Harry S. Truman, Tape 4, Side B

Conversation among Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, David Noyes, and William Hillman, Tape 4, Side B. These tapes were the basis of the book "Plain Speaking." See finding aid for Merle Miller tapes for detailed information and description. This recording deals with such subjects as: Father Tiernan (chaplain for Battery D); New York City; witch hunting and hysteria in the United States; Mormons; Ku Klux Klan in Jackson County, Missouri.

Merle Miller Interview with Harry S. Truman, Tape 4, Side A

Conversation among Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, David Noyes, and William Hillman, Tape 4, Side A. These tapes were the basis of the book "Plain Speaking." See finding aid for Merle Miller tapes for detailed information and description. This recording deals with such subjects as: good orators; Truman's first political speech; the art of politics; national political conventions; the 1932, 1936, and 1944 presidential elections; Joseph Kennedy.

Merle Miller Interview Harry S. Truman, Tape 2, Side B

Conversation among Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, David Noyes, and William Hillman, Tape 2, Side B. These tapes were the basis of the book "Plain Speaking." See the Merle Miller Papers finding aid for detailed information and description. This recording deals with such subjects as: the writing of the Constitution; American government; weak Presidents; memories of William Jennings Bryan.