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McMath, Sid

President Harry S. Truman Receives the Key to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas

President Harry S. Truman (left) receives the key to the city of Little Rock, Arkansas from Arkansas Governor Sid McMath (center) and an unidentified man on the right. This event probably took place while President Truman was in Little Rock for a 35th Division Reunion. The unidentified man is likely Sam Wassall, the Mayor of Little Rock.

President Truman and others walking down a street

President Harry S. Truman marching in a downtown street in Little Rock, Arkansas. From left to right: Frank Spina, Louis Johnson, President Truman, Sid McMath, and Harry Vaughan. Men walking with Truman are identified with Truman's own handwriting and the date, written at the bottom of the picture. President Truman was in Little Rock for the Twenty-ninth Annual Thirty-fifth Division Reunion.

President Harry S. Truman meets with Arkansas officials

President Truman shakes hands with Governor-elect Sidney McMath of Arkansas and Leslie L. Biffle, a native of Arkansas, when the President and other officials dropped in on the Arkansas Society State Meeting today in Washington, D.C. Left to Right; John Steelman, Assistant to the President; President Harry S. Truman; John Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury; Governor-elect McMath; and Leslie L. Biffle, slated to become the Secretary of the Senate. From: Houston Post.