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Life Magazine

Photograph of E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. and Margaret Truman Daniel Used for the Cover of Life Magazine

This photograph was used on the cover of Life Magazine. The Life title was inserted in the white box in the upper left corner for publishing. This was part of a group of photographs belonging to E. Clifton Daniel, Jr. which he used in his book, "Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen: A Memoir."

Governor Thomas Dewey and a Donkey

Former Republican presidential candidate Governor Thomas Dewey (at microphone) is standing on the back of a train talking with some people. A donkey near the train wears a Republican campaign banner with Vice-Presidential candidate Earl Warren's face on it. Standing next to Mr. Dewey on the left is his wife, Frances Dewey. All others are unidentified. From the scrapbooks of Matthew Connelly, Volume 4.

President Harry S. Truman Receives President's Airport Commission Report

General James H. Doolittle presents the report of the President's Airport Commission to President Harry S. Truman. Standing, left to right: Mr. Charles F. Horne, General Robert Landry, and Paul Johnston, Seated: Dr. Jerome Hunsaker, President Harry S. Truman, and General James Doolittle. This photograph appeared in the June 1952 issue of LIFE Magazine.

President Harry S. Truman with Democratic Senators

President Harry S. Truman meets with Democratic Party Senators in the Oval Office, shortly after becoming President. First row (seated): unidentified; Glen H. Taylor. Second row (kneeling): two unidentified men; Joseph C. O'Mahoney; Dennis Chavez; Sheridan Downey; Warren Magnuson; and Claude Pepper. Third row: Carl Hatch; Joseph Guffey; unidentified; Allen Ellender; Kenneth McKellar; President Truman; Theodore Bilbo; Pat McCarran; Josiah Bailey; and Peter Gerry.