Edward McKim is sworn in under oath as an Administrative Aide to President Harry S. Truman. From left to right: Edward McKim, Stuart Symington, President Harry S. Truman, and an unidentified man.
Dwight Griswold (foreground, third from left) is shaking hands with a group of men in Kavella, Greece. Griswold was the Chief of the American Mission for Aid to Greece (AMAG). All others are unidentified.
Dwight Griswold (left), Chief of the American Mission for Aid to Greece, meets with Greek Prime Minister Demetrios Maximos (right) in an office in Athens, Greece. Original caption written on photo: Griswold & The Prime Minister, D. Maximos, Athens 1947.
Dwight Griswold, Chief of the American Mission for Aid to Greece, meets with current and former Greek prime ministers in Athens, Greece. From left to right: Stylianos Gonatas, Dwight Griswold, Demetrios Maximos, and Panagiotis Kanellopoulos.
Queen Frederika (right), wife of King Paul of Greece, and Erma Griswold (left), wife of Dwight Griswold, Chief of the American Mission for Aid to Greece, stand under an arbor in the palace gardens in Athens, Greece.
Queen Frederika (right), wife of King Paul of Greece, and Erma Griswold (left), wife of Dwight Griswold, chief of the American Mission for Aid to Greece, sit on a bench in the palace gardens in Athens, Greece.