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McIntire, Ross T., 1889-1959

President Truman's Remarks to Essay Contest Winners Sponsored by the President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped

President Harry S. Truman's remarks to high school essay contest winners sponsored by the President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped. The essays promoted employment of handicapped people. First prize was awarded to Isabel Brewster; second prizes were awarded to Susan King and Harry Rodney Hartman; fourth prize was awarded to Billy Jean Fuller. Additionally, the President presented Robert Ramspeck with a distinguished service certificate. Introductory remarks are given by Admiral Ross T. McIntire. The ceremony was at 3 p.m.

Truman with President's Committee on National Employment of the Physically Handicapped

President Harry S. Truman (center) met with the members of The President's Committee on National Employment of the Physically Handicapped to discuss the employment of physically handicapped throughout the year. Front row, left to right: Secretary of Labor, Lewis B. Schwellenbach; Secretary of the American Federation of the Physically Handicapped, Mildred Scott; Morris S. Frank of the Seeing Eye Dog, Incorporated, with his canine; President Truman; Vice Admiral Ross T. McIntire, Medical Corps U.S.