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McGrath, J. Howard (James Howard), 1903-1966

Truman and Cabinet

President Harry S. Truman meeting with his Cabinet. Around the table, from left to right: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer; Vice-President Alben Barkley; Secretary of Labor Maurice Tobin; Secretary of Agriculture Charles Brannan; Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson; Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson; Secretary of State Dean Acheson; President Truman; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; Attorney General J. Howard McGrath.

Truman with Selected Cabinet Members

President Harry S. Truman with selected Cabinet members. Front row, left to right: John Snyder, Dean Acheson, President Truman, Fred Vinson, James P. McGranery. Back row, left to right: Clinton Anderson, Tom Clark, Charles Brannan, Louis Johnson, George Marshall, Averell Harriman, Maurice Tobin, J. Howard McGrath, Oscar Chapman. Lower border of photograph is autographed by all men. Original is oversize. Duplicate is 58-474.

Truman and Selected Cabinet Members

President Harry S. Truman with selected Cabinet members. Front row, left to right: John Snyder, Dean Acheson, President Harry S. Truman, Fred Vinson, James P. McGranery. Back row, left to right: Clinton Anderson, Tom Clark, Charles Brannan, Louis Johnson, George Marshall, Averell Harriman, Maurice Tobin, J. Howard McGrath, Oscar Chapman. Duplicate is 58-575.

Truman and others in a car

President Harry S. Truman and others arriving in Washington, D. C. Back, from left: President Truman, J. Howard McGrath, Alben Barkley. Front, from left: Mrs. Bess Wallace Truman, Margaret Truman, and Marian Barkley Truitt. Inscribed: "Good luck Mr. President! Yours very sincerely Steve Zweig, Washington, D. C., November 5, 1948" Same as 58-463-1.

President Truman and Vice President-elect Barkley after the 1948 election

Return of President Harry S. Truman and Vice President-elect Alben Barkley to Washington, D.C. after the Presidential election. Seated in back, left to right: President Truman, J. Howard McGrath, and Vice President-elect Barkley. Seated in front, left to right: Bess Wallace Truman, Margaret Truman, and Mrs. Marian Barkley Truitt (daughter of Alben Barkley).