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Marshall, George C. (George Catlett), 1880-1959

Truman in the Oval Office with James Byrnes and George C. Marshall

President Harry S. Truman (right) talks in the Oval Office with James Byrnes (center), the retiring Secretary of State, and George C. Marshall (left), on the occasion of Marshall's swearing-in as the new Secretary of State. In the background are, from left to right: Attorney General Tom Clark; Secretary of War Robert Patterson; Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson; Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug; Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach; unidentified; Major General Harry Vaughan.

Truman greeting dignitaries at the White House

President Harry S. Truman (foreground, sixth from left) and First Lady Bess W. Truman (foreground, seventh from left) greet the Governor General of Canada, British Field Marshal Harold Alexander, and his party at the White House. Also present are Donald Dawson (second from left), Major General Harry Vaughan (third from left), Secretary of State George Marshall (fourth from left), and George Elsey (to the left of the pillar).

Truman with his Cabinet in the Cabinet Room

President Harry S. Truman with his Cabinet in the Cabinet Room of the White House: (clockwise around table) Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson; Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach; Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman; Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug; Postmaster General Robert Hannegan; Secretary of War Robert Patterson; Secretary of State George C. Marshall; the President; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; Attorney General Tom Clark; and Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal.

Truman speaking before awarding Marshall a medal

President Harry S. Truman (at podium) speaking to a crowd in the Pentagon Court at a ceremony in which he awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster to the Distinguished Service Medal of retiring Army Chief of Staff, General George C. Marshall. Standing on the left, from left to right, are: Secretary of the Treasury Fred Vinson, Secretary of State James Byrnes, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal (in second row), unidentified woman, and Katherine (Mrs. George C.) Marshall.

Marshall speaking at a ceremony where he received a medal from Truman

General George C. Marshall (at podium) speaking in the Pentagon Court during a ceremony at which he received an Oak Leaf Cluster for his Distinguished Service Medal from President Harry S. Truman. On the left is Katherine (Mrs. George C.) Marshall (second woman from left). Seated behind Marshall is Secretary of War Henry Stimson (left) and President Truman (right). Seated on the right are Major General Harry Vaughan, Admiral William D. Leahy, and Clark Clifford. Marshall was retiring as Army Chief of Staff.

Truman speaking before awarding a medal to Marshall

President Harry S. Truman (at podium) speaking in the Pentagon Court during a ceremony at which he awarded the retiring Army Chief of Staff, General George C. Marshall (right of Truman) an Oak Leaf Cluster to the Distinguished Service Medal. On the left are Secretary of State James Byrnes (second from left); Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal (third from left) and Katherine (Mrs. George C.) Marshall (fifth from left). On the right of Marshall, from left to right are Harry Vaughan, Admiral William D. Leahy, and Clark Clifford. Others are unidentified.

Truman speaking before awarding a medal to Marshall

President Harry S. Truman (behind podium) speaking in the Pentagon Court during a ceremony at which he awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster to the Distinguished Service Medal of the retiring Army Chief of Staff, General George C. Marshall (far right). Standing along the left are, from left to right: unidentified, Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach, Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury Fred Vinson, Secretary of State James Byrnes, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal (second row), unidentified woman, and Katherine (Mrs.