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Mansfield, Mike, 1903-2001

Truman Visits Kalispell, Montana

A crowd stands to welcome President Harry S. Truman (on stage, shaking hands, left) to the stage during a speaking engagement at a local high school in Kalispell, Montana. President Truman stopped there during a campaign trip through the western United States. Also pictured on stage: Margaret Truman (first row, second from left); Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (first row, third from left); and Congressman Mike Mansfield (first row, second from right). All others unidentified.

Truman Visits Hungry Horse Dam

President Harry S. Truman (fourth from left) and others tour the Hungry Horse Dam outside Kalispell, Montana. Also pictured: C. H. Spencer, Hungry Horse Dam construction engineer (third from left); Ohio Congressman Michael J. Kirwan (foreground, right); and Montana Congressman Mike Mansfield (behind Congressman Kirwan). All others unidentified.

General Pick Standing at Lectern During a visit to Fort Peck Dam in Montana

U.S. Army Chief of Engineers General Lewis A. Pick stands at the lectern prior to addressing the crowd at Fort Peck Dam, Montana, developed for flood control and irrigation for the upper Mississippi-Missouri River basin. President Harry S. Truman is directly left of Pick; Montana Governor John Bonner (head turned) is on the right. First Lady Bess Truman is standing to the right of the lectern; Nashua, Montana, resident Anna Dostert is standing behind Mrs. Truman's left shoulder. Congressman Mike Mansfield and Margaret Truman are standing on the left in the front row.