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Anderson Photo Co., Kansas City (Mo.)

Battery D Reunion, 1944

Battery D Reunion at the Ambassador Hotel, in Kansas City. This photo is signed in the corner by Senator Harry S. Truman "Best wishes, Harry S. Truman." Original photograph is filed in autographed photo file. This picture was in a photo album of Battery D at the inauguration in 1949, a gift of Frank Kuntz.

Truman and Others by Model A Ford

Harry S. Truman (center) and two unidentified men stand in front of a new Ford Model A, 2-door sedan, in what may be an automobile showroom. A business card attached to the photo is in the name of E. C. Reppert, President of Kelley-Reppert Motor Co. It is not known which man is Reppert. It is indicated by Mr. Truman's appearance that this photo may have been taken when he was a Judge. (Similar to 2003-161, except men have hats on). From: Museum Collection #93-12, items found in locked credenza in Mr. Truman's desk in the working office of the Truman Library).