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Leahy, William D. (William Daniel), 1875-1959

Truman and staff members at Arlington National Cemetery

President Harry S. Truman standing before the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. A soldier is carrying a wreath for President Truman to place at the base of the Tomb. Behind President Truman are, from left to right: Admiral William D. Leahy; Secretary of Defense James Forrestal; Under Secretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan; Major General Harry Vaughan; and Captain James Foskett, President Truman's Naval Aide. Others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman at Arlington National Cemetery

President Harry S. Truman (foreground, standing directly across from the Tomb) at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, after he has placed a wreath at the Tomb. Standing behind President Truman are, from left to right: Admiral William D. Leahy; Secretary of Defense James Forrestal; Under Secretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan; Major General Harry Vaughan; and Captain James H. Foskett. Others are unidentified.

Truman at Arlington National Cemetery

President Harry S. Truman lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Standing behind Truman are, from left to right: Admiral William D. Leahy; Secretary of Defense James Forrestal; Under Secretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan; Major General Harry Vaughan; and Captain James Foskett, President Truman's Naval Aide. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman, General Vaughan, Admiral Leahy, Ralph Truman, Wallace Graham, and General Eisenhower in a group pose

President Harry S. Truman, wearing a black arm band, posed for a group photo with seven other dignitaries. They are attending the 35th Division reunion in Kansas City. Left to right are: Unidentified, General Harry Vaughan, Admiral William Leahy, General Ralph Truman, unidentified, President Truman, Dr. Wallace H. Graham, and General Dwight D. Eisenhower. From: Truman Home.

President Truman presents the Medal of Merit

President Harry S. Truman in the oval office with four men who received the Medal of Merit. L to R: W. John Kenney, Undersecretary of the Navy; W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force; President Truman; James Forrestal, Secretary of Defense; and John L. Sullivan, Secretary of the Navy. Standing in the back on the left is Admiral William D. Leahy. Standing in the back on the right is Eben Ayers. Others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Presents Medals of Merit

President Harry S. Truman (middle, third from the right) presenting Medal of Merit to top officials. Standing with President Truman are (from left to right) W. John Kenney, Under-Secretary of Navy; W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force; James Forrestal, Secretary of Defense; and John L. Sullivan, Secretary of the Navy. Standing in the back row are Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug (fourth from left); Secretary of State George Marshall (fifth from left); and Admiral William D. Leahy (sixth from left). All others are unidentified.

Truman at Army Day parade

President Harry S. Truman attends the Army Day parade in Washington, D.C. Front row, from left to right: Admiral William Leahy, Secretary of War Robert Patterson, President Truman, and A. J. Peary, head of the Military Order of the World Wars. Behind Admiral Leahy is Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson. Margaret Truman is behind her father. Others are unidentified.