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Leahy, William D. (William Daniel), 1875-1959

Truman at Armed Forces Parade

President Harry S. Truman with other dignitaries on the reviewing stand during a parade in honor of Armed Forces Day. From left to right: Secretary of the Army Frank Pace (behind Eisenhower), General Dwight Eisenhower, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, President Truman, Admiral William Leahy, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Stephen Early. All others are unidentified.

Review Stand of Armed Forces Day Parade

President Harry S. Truman and other dignitaries on the reviewing stand during an Armed Forces Day parade. From left to right: General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, the President, Admiral William Leahy, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Stephen Early. Seated in the second row are, from left to right: Under Secretary of State James Webb, Attorney General J. Howard McGrath (partly obscured by Johnson), unidentified man, and Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer. All others are unidentified.

Truman and Prio Socarras at Attention

President Carlos Prio Socarras of Cuba (left) and President Harry S. Truman stand at attention at National Airport in Washington, D.C. President Prio Socarras has just arrived for a visit. Standing behind Presidents Prio Socarras and Truman are, from left to right: Genovevo Perez-Damera, unidentified man, Admiral William Leahy, General Harry Vaughan, Captain Robert Dennison, and Colonel Robert Landry. All others are unidentified.

Truman Awaiting the Arrival of President Prio Socarras

President Harry S. Truman with crowd of dignitaries at National Airport in Washington, D.C., awaiting the arrival of President Carlos Prio Socarras of Cuba. President Truman is the man standing in front of the two Naval officers, wearing a hat. Cuban Ambassador to the United States Guillermo Belt is standing in front of President Truman. The two Naval officers standing behind Truman are Admiral William Leahy (left) and Captain Robert Dennison. General Harry Vaughan is also in attendance (fourth from left in main group of people). Others are unidentified.

Platform at Bolivar Statue Dedication Ceremony

President Harry S. Truman (seated, first to the left of the podium), President Romulo Gallegos of Venezuela (seated, second to the left of the podium), Bess Truman (seated, second to the right of the podium) and others on a platform in Bolivar, Missouri. They are attending the ceremonies dedicating a statue of Simon Bolivar. Also present was Admiral William Leahy (far left, in naval uniform). All others are unidentified.

Truman and Barkley in Washington After 1948 Election

From left to right, Vice President-elect Alben W. Barkley, Marian Barkley Truitt, Margaret Truman, First Lady Bess W. Truman, and President Harry S. Truman posing together on the front porch of the White House with other dignitaries standing behind them. Truman and Barkley had just returned to Washington, D.C. after their victory in the 1948 election. Also present is Admiral William D. Leahy (background, left, in naval hat) and Captain Robert Dennison (background, right, in naval hat). Others are unidentified.