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Leahy, William D. (William Daniel), 1875-1959

President Harry S. Truman Awards Medal of Honor to Recipient

President Harry S. Truman, center, is shown awarding the Congressional Medal of Honor to one of the 28 recipients (left) who received the award in the East Room of the White House in front of family and dignitaries. The man standing behind the desk is Major General Harry Vaughan. The dignitaries seated in the front row on the right are (from right to left): Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal; Secretary of War Henry Stimson; unidentified man; General George C. Marshall; Fleet Admiral William Leahy; and General Henry "Hap" Arnold. A group of photographers are visible behind the President.

President Harry S. Truman and Winston Churchill Ride in Car

Surrounded by the Secret Service, Britain's former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill (right), and President Harry S. Truman (holding his hat) sit on the back seat of an open automobile in a parade in Fulton, Missouri, where both will be presented honorary degrees from Westminster College. Also seated in the backseat of the car is Admiral William Leahy. All others are unidentified.

The Big Three at Potsdam

Members of the Big Three and their advisers pose for a photograph outside Cecilienhof for the Potsdam Conference. Seated from left to right: Prime Minister Clement Attlee, President Harry S. Truman, Marshal Joseph Stalin. Standing behind chairs, from left to right are: Fleet Admiral William Leahy, Ernest Bevin, James F. Byrnes, and Vyacheslav Molotov. All others are unidentified.

Potsdam Conference Session

A session of the Potsdam Conference takes place at Cecilienhof. Soviet President Joseph Stalin is seated near the center, wearing white. Seated around the table, counter-clockwise from Stalin are: unidentified Soviet official; Andre Gromyko, Admiral William Leahy, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and President Harry S. Truman. Prime Minister Clement Attlee is in the lower right corner, directly opposite the British flag. Seated on Stalin's left is Vyacheslav Molotov. Others are unidentified.