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Leahy, William D. (William Daniel), 1875-1959

Truman, Stalin, and Churchill during the Potsdam Conference

President Harry S. Truman (center) with Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin (left) and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (right) at Cecilienhof Palace during the Potsdam Conference. In the background are Clement Attlee (between President Truman and Churchill) and Admiral William D. Leahy (between Stalin and Truman). From the album, "The President's Trip to Potsdam, Album #1."

Truman, Byrnes, and Leahy touring Berlin

President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Fleet Admiral William Leahy (left to right in the rear seat of the car) inspect the ruins of Hitler's Chancellery in Berlin, Germany. President Truman is in Germany to attend the Potsdam Conference. Standing on President Truman's side of the car is Major General Harry Vaughan. From the album, "The President's Trip to Potsdam, Album #1."

Admiral Leahy greets Prime Minister Churchill

Fleet Admiral William Leahy (foreground, left) greets Prime Minister Winston Churchill (foreground, right) at the entrance to the "Little White House," President Truman's residence during the Potsdam Conference, as the Prime Minister calls on the President for the first time. In the background are (left to right) General Harry Vaughan, Mary Churchill, the daughter of Winston Churchill, and Prime Minister Churchill's bodyguard. From the album, "The President's Trip to Potsdam, album number 1."

The President looks at the docks at Antwerp

President Harry S. Truman and his party look at the docks at Antwerp as the U. S. S. Augusta prepares to dock. Seated are President Truman (left, with binoculars) and Press Secretary Charles Ross (right). Standing are, left to right: Major General Harry Vaughan; Captain James K. Vardaman; Secretary of State James Byrnes; and Admiral William D. Leahy. Truman is aboard the U. S. S. Augusta, traveling to the Potsdam Conference in Germany. From the album, "The President's Trip to Potsdam, Album #1."

President Truman and Staff on Vacation

Group photograph of President Harry S. Truman and his staff while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Front row, left to right: Richard Neustadt, Cornelius Mara, Joseph Feeney, Philleo Nash, Irving Perlmeter. Center row, left to right: John Steelman, Admiral William Leahy, President Truman, Averell Harriman, Charles Murphy. Back row, left to right: Robert Landry, Robert Dennison, Stanley Woodward, Matthew Connelly, William Hassett, Joseph Short, Harry Vaughan, and Wallace Graham.