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Land, Emory Scott, 1879-1971

Gael Sullivan Testimonial Dinner

A group of men posed for a picture at the testimonial dinner to Second Assistant Postmaster General Gael Sullivan at the Hotel Pennsylvania. Front row (l-r): John D. Hardy, Deputy Second Assistant Postmaster General; Morris Klein, President of New York Railway Mail Association; Senator James M. Mead; Second Assistant Postmaster General Gael Sullivan; Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan; Albert Goldman, Postmaster New York, New York; and Chief Inspector James J. Doran. Second row: Peter J. Schardt, American Association of Railroads; William M.

Photo of the presentation of the Postal Department's first "Air Letter" to Secretary of Commerce W. Averill Harriman

The Post Office Department's first "Air Letter," peacetime successor to V-Mail, was presented to Secretary of Commerce W. Averill Harriman (right). The presentation was made by Washington Postmaster Vincent O. Burke in the office of Post Master General Robert Hannegan. Left to right are Mr. Burke, Emory S. Land, President of the Air Transport Association, and Secretary Harriman. From: Beth Gore.