Truman and Jacobson Haberdashery
Truman and Jacobson Haberdashery shop at the northwest corner of 12th and Baltimore street, Kansas City, Missouri. The business was owned by Harry S. Truman and Eddie Jacobson.
Truman and Jacobson Haberdashery shop at the northwest corner of 12th and Baltimore street, Kansas City, Missouri. The business was owned by Harry S. Truman and Eddie Jacobson.
Harry S. Truman as a young man in the clothing store he and Eddie Jacobson owned. The name of the store was the Truman and Jacobson Haberdashery, located at 12th and Baltimore (104 West 12th) Kansas City, Missouri The store was opened in 1919 and it failed in 1921. L to R: Harry S. Truman, Francis Berry, Mike Flynn, and Kelsey Cravens. This photograph was from the files of the Kansas City Star, but they did not originate the photograph.
Composite of two photos. Left: Bess Wallace Truman. Right: From left to right Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman, and Margaret Truman with old automobile. From: Kansas City Star.
Portrait of Bess Wallace (Mrs. Harry S.) Truman. From the Kansas City Star.
Judge Harry S. Truman (right) at home with his wife, Bess Wallace Truman (seated in chair) and daughter Margaret. They are in the living room of the Truman home. From: Kansas City Star.
(From right to left) Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Bess Wallace Truman, and daughter Margaret (at the age of 10), at a dinner when Truman was Senator-elect.