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Kansas City Star

Eddie Jacobson Memorial Foundation Members with Former President Harry S. Truman

Representatives of the Eddie Jacobson Memorial Foundation visit former President Harry S. Truman in his office at the Truman Library to present a gold-plated miniature sculpture of the President and a gold-plated medallion. Left to right are Earl J. Tranin, Walter J. Berkowitz, A. D. Jacobson (brother of Eddie Jacobson), Truman, Lou Gershon, Dr. Borenstein, and A. J. Granoff.

Former President Harry S. Truman on His 88th Birthday

A tri-photo of Former President Harry S. Truman as he steps outside his home to retrieve his newspaper. It was his 88th birthday. The words at the bottom of the picture read: "Harry S. Truman observed his 88th birthday anniversary yesterday in the quiet of his home at 219 N. Delaware, Independence. He stepped outside just once, at 5:15 PM to pick his newspaper off the front steps. John Wozniak, a photographer for The Star, spent most of the afternoon across the street, awaiting the opportunity to take these birthday pictures of the 33rd President of the United States."

Hearse Carrying the Body of Former President Harry S. Truman

The hearse from George C. Carson Funeral Home carries the body of Former President Harry S. Truman from the funeral home to the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library. The casket holding Mr. Truman laid in state in the lobby of the Truman Library prior to burial in the courtyard of the Library. Police and United States Army soldiers are standing in the foreground. All people are unidentified.