Japanese Group in Auditorium
A group of survivors from the atomic bombings of Japan and others gather in the auditorium of the Harry S. Truman Library to hear former President Harry S. Truman give a speech. All are unidentified.
Former President Harry S. Truman (left) gathers with former Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder (second from right, back to camera), numismatic expert Joseph B. Stack (second from left), and James R. Fuchs in front of a coin exhibit. The men were attending the coin ceremony at the Harry S. Truman Library, at which a set of coins issued by every President was given to the Library. Others in the background are unidentified.
Senator Harry S. Truman gives a speech at a cornerstone laying ceremony for the post office in Savannah, Missouri. He is wearing Masonic regalia and standing behind a lectern, with two pitchers sitting next to him.