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Krug, Julius A. (Julius Albert), 1907-1970

Harry S. Truman taking the oath of office

Harry S. Truman taking the oath of office at the White House after the death of President Roosevelt. From left to right: Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor; Henry Stimson, Secretary of War; Henry Wallace, Secretary of Commerce; Julius Krug, War Production Board Administrator; James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy; Claude Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture; Francis McNamee, Department Chairman, War Manpower Commission; Francis Biddle, Attorney General; Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury; Harry S.

President Truman and his Cabinet

President Harry S. Truman and his Cabinet, 1947. From left to right: Cliton P. Anderson, Secretary of Agriculture; Lewis Schwellenbach, Secretary of Labor; W. Averell Harriman, Secretary of Commerce; Julius Krug, Secretary of the Interior; Robert Hannegan, Postmaster General; Robert Patterson, Secretary of War; George C. Marshall, Secretary of State; President Truman; John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury; Tom Clark, Attorney General; James V. Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy.

President Truman and his Cabinet

President Harry S. Truman and his Cabinet, 1947. From left to right: Cliton P. Anderson, Secretary of Agriculture; Lewis Schwellenbach, Secretary of Labor; W. Averell Harriman, Secretary of Commerce; Julius Krug, Secretary of the Interior; Robert Hannegan, Postmaster General; Robert Patterson, Secretary of War; George C. Marshall, Secretary of State; President Truman; John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury; Tom Clark, Attorney General; James V. Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy.

President Harry S. Truman Watches as John L. Lewis Signs New Labor Contract

From his desk in the Oval Office of the White House, President Harry S. Truman (left) watches as John L. Lewis, President of the United Mine Workers (right) and Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug (center) sign the new contracts that ended the coal miner strike. Vice Admiral Ben Moreell stands in the background, left. The other two men standing in the background are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Shakes Hands with John L. Lewis, President of the Coal Miner's Union

In the Oval Office of the White House, President Harry S. Truman (front-left) shakes hands with John L. Lewis, President of the United Mine Workers. Secretary of the Interior, Julius Krug, shakes hands with John O'Leary. Vice Admiral Ben Moreell is in the background, center, and another unidentified man looks on, right. The moment commemorates the signing of a new labor contract with the coal miners that ended the strike begun in April, 1946.

Governor William Hastie Greets President Harry S. Truman

President Harry S. Truman (left) is greeted by Governor William Hastie (second from left) as he leaves his yacht, the USS Williamsburg, for a tour of the island of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Standing in the background are, from left to right: William Hassett (wearing bow tie), Captain Robert Dennison, General Wallace Graham (mostly obscured by Krug), Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug, Chair of the Municipal Council of St. Thomas Mr. Roy Gordon, and Colonel Robert Landry (mostly obscured by Gordon). All others are unidentified. Truman visited St.