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Kroll, Jack, 1885-1971

President Truman's Remarks to Delegates to a CIO-PAC Rally

President Harry S. Truman's remarks to delegates to a CIO-PAC Rally. The President spoke at 12:35 p.m. in the Rose Garden at the White House. In his opening remarks he referred to Philip Murray, president of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, who had introduced the President to the assembly as "the greatest friend that labor has had in my lifetime." Later the President referred to Jack Kroll, director of the Political Action Committee of the CIO.

President Truman greets and thanks representatives of the CIO Executive Board

President Truman greets and thanks representatives of the CIO Executive Board which endorsed his candidacy for re-election in November. L to R: [front] James B. Carey, Secretary Treasurer of CIO; President Truman; Philip Murray, CIO President; [rear] Emil Mazey, Secretary-Treasurer, UAW; Jack Kroll, PAC Director; and Emil Rieve, President of Textile Workers Union. Mazey and Rieve are partially hidden. Donor: Dorothy Girton Used by Democratic Digest.

American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (A.F.L.-C.I.O.) Dinner

Dinner at the Statler Hotel, Washington, D. C., given by the Political Committees of the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations. Head table: Joseph Keenan; James B. Carey; William Boyle; Philip Murray; President Harry S. Truman; William Green; Maurice Tobin; George Meany; Jack Kroll. Left table, outside: George Harrison; Emil Rieve; Daniel W. Tracy; John Green; William Pollock; Richard F. Walsh; Desmond Walker; George Q. Lynch; John H. Lyons; Henry Zon. Left table, inside: David McDonald; Jacob Potofsky; Charles J. MacGowan; Arthur Goldberg; William J.

President Harry S. Truman Shakes Hands Congress of Industrial Organization Leaders

President Harry S. Truman stands outside the White House with members of the Congress of Industrial Organization's (CIO) Executive Committee shaking their hands in response to their support and promise of financial aid in his election campaign. Standing, from left to right: James B. Carey, Emil Mazey, President Harry S. Truman, Jack Kroll, and Philip Murray. From the scrapbooks of Matthew Connelly, Volume 4.