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Kirkendall, Richard Stewart, 1928-

Truman Library Conference of Researchers

Truman Library Conference of Researchers sitting around a table in the Research Room of the Library. From the bottom left corner (clockwise): Charles Morrissey, Oscar Anderson, J.R. Fuchs, David McLellan, R. Alton Lee, Richard Longaker (leaning back), Gene Schmidtlein, Alan Harper (obscured), Boyd Shafer (obscured), Louis Gerson, former Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman, Richard Kirkendall, former Secretary of State Dean Acheson, David Lloyd (obscured) Ms. Elizabeth Drewry (obscured), Tom L.

The head table dining at Stephenson's Restaurant during conference of researchers

Dining at Stephenson's Restaurant in Independence, Missouri, during a Truman Library Institute Conference of Researchers dinner, the head table look over the room. From left to right, an unidentified man, Archivist of the United States Wayne C. Grover, Boyd Shafer, Richard Kirkendall, an unidentified man, and Truman Library Director Dr. Philip C. Brooks.

Head table at the Laurel Club luncheon

Head table at the Laurel Club luncheon attended by members of the Society of American Archivists and others at the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints building. From Left to right: Sue Gentry, Richard S. Kirkendall, Viva (Mrs. P.H.) Bahmer, W. Howard Adams, Mrs. Bess W. Truman, Ted Brown, former President Harry S. Truman, Mary (Mrs. J. Roger) De Witt, and Robert H. Bahmer, and W. Wallace Smith.

Laurel Club luncheon

Head table at the Laurel Club luncheon attended by members of the Society of American Archivists and others at the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints building. From left to right: Sue Gentry, Richard S. Kirkendall, Viva (Mrs. P.H.) Bahmer, W. Howard Adams, Mrs. Bess W. Truman, W. Wallace Smith (speaking), former President Harry S. Truman, Mary (Mrs. J. Roger) De Witt, and Robert H. Bahmer.

Head table at Laurel Club luncheon

Head table at the Laurel Club luncheon attended by members of the Society of American Archivists and others at the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints building. From Left to right: Sue Gentry, Richard S. Kirkendall, Viva (Mrs. P.H.) Bahmer, W. Howard Adams, Mrs. Bess W. Truman, W. Wallace Smith (speaking), former President Harry S. Truman, Mary (Mrs. J. Roger) De Witt, and Robert H. Bahmer.

Conference on Research Needs and Opportunities at the Truman Library

Conference on Research Needs and Opportunities at the Truman Library. Seated (left to right) are: Richard S. Kirkendall, University of Missouri; Raymond O'Connor, University of Kansas; Paul Steinbicker, St. Louis University; William N. Chambers, Washington University; Ethan Allen, University of Kansas; and Gilbert C. Fite, University of Oklahoma. Standing (left to right) are: Samuel P. Hays, University of Iowa; Jasper B. Shannon, University of Nebraska; Walter V. Scholes, University of Missouri; Frank Freidel, Harvard University; E. David Cronon, University of Nebraska; A.T.

Conference on Research Needs and Opportunities at the Truman Library

Conference on Research Needs and Opportunities at the Truman Library. Seated (left to right) are: Richard S. Kirkendall, University of Missouri; Raymond O'Connor, University of Kansas; Paul Steinbicker, St. Louis University; William N. Chambers, Washington University; Ethan Allen, University of Kansas; and Gilbert C. Fite, University of Oklahoma. Standing (left to right) are: Samuel P. Hays, University of Iowa; Jasper B. Shannon, University of Nebraska; Walter V. Scholes, University of Missouri; Frank Freidel, Harvard University; E. David Cronon, University of Nebraska; A.T.

Conference on Research Needs and Opportunities at the Truman Library

Conference on Research Needs and Opportunities at the Truman Library. Seated (left to right) are: Richard S. Kirkendall, University of Missouri; Raymond O'Connor, University of Kansas; Paul Steinbicker, St. Louis University; William N. Chambers, Washington University; Ethan Allen, University of Kansas; and Gilbert C. Fite, University of Oklahoma. Standing (left to right) are: Samuel P. Hays, University of Iowa; Jasper B. Shannon, University of Nebraska; Walter V. Scholes, University of Missouri; Frank Freidel, Harvard University; E. David Cronon, University of Nebraska; A.T.

Conference on Research Needs and Opportunities at the Truman Library

Conference on Research Needs and Opportunities at the Truman Library. Seated (left to right) are: Richard S. Kirkendall, University of Missouri; Raymond O'Connor, University of Kansas; Paul Steinbicker, St. Louis University; William N. Chambers, Washington University; Ethan Allen, University of Kansas; and Gilbert C. Fite, University of Oklahoma. Standing (left to right) are: Samuel P. Hays, University of Iowa; Jasper B. Shannon, University of Nebraska; Walter V. Scholes, University of Missouri; Frank Freidel, Harvard University; E. David Cronon, University of Nebraska; A.T.