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Johnson, Edwin Carl, 1884-1970

Birthday Breakfast at Statler Hotel

The 61st birthday breakfast party for A.B. Hirschfeld at the Statler Hotel in Washington, D.C. Back row, standing, left to right: Barnet Nover; Emil M. Schneider; Edward Jacobson; Earl R. Howsam; Maurice Bisgyer; Moses E. Smith, Superintendent, Denver Mint; Dr. Neal Bishop; Secretary of Agriculture Charles F. Brannan; Edward E. Grusd; A. B. Hirschfeld; Wayne N. Aspinall; Harry A. Zinn; Judge Norris C. Bakke; and Phil J. Rodgers; Seated, rear, left to right: LaMoine M. Dowling; and Under Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman. Seated, front, left to right: John H. Marsalis; John J.

Photo of Senator Tom Connally (D), Texas and Senator Edwin C. Johnson (D), Colorado

The Senate by a vote of 67 to 23 passed the Greek-Turkey Aid Bill before passing the $400,000,000 program to the House for final action. Before passage, the Senate had accepted an amendment from Senator Edwin C. Johnson (D), Colorado, right, declaring that the U.S. would not undertake to underwrite the U.S. Oil Company agreements with other Middle East nations. Shown with Johnson is Texas Senator Tom Connally. From: Beth Gore